






住友電工グループ 経営理念

  1. 顧客の要望に応え、最も優れた製品・サービスを提供します。
  2. 技術を創造し、変革を生み出し、絶えざる成長に努めます。
  3. 社会的責任を自覚し、よりよい社会、環境づくりに貢献します。
  4. 高い企業倫理を保持し、常に信頼される会社を目指します。
  5. 自己実現を可能にする、生き生きとした企業風土を育みます。







「文殊院旨意書」の前文、「商事は不及言候へ共、万事情(精)に可被入候」に由来する言葉で、まず一人の人間として 、何事に対しても誠心誠意を尽くす人であれと諭しています。この教えは「住友事業 精神」の基本となり、住友では一人ひとりが安易な利益追求に走ることなく、人間を磨き、人格豊かに成熟することが求められています。


第一条では、「住友事業精神」の基本は 、「何よりも信用を重んじる」こと、すなわち「常に相手の信頼に応える」ことを表しています。


第二条の前段では、社会の変化に迅速、 的確に対応して利潤を追求すべきであり、既存の事業に安住することなく常に事業の興廃を図るという積極進取の重要性を説明しています。しかし常に公共の利益との一致を求め、浮利を追い、軽率、粗略に行動することを厳に戒めています。浮利とは、一時的な目先の利益あるいは安易な利益追求のことですが、道義にもとる不当な利益の意味が込められています。

日本通信電材 経営方針

日本通信電材株式会社は、住友電工グループの一員として、住友事業精神と住友電工グループの経営理念を基本とし、安全、環境、品質とコンプライアンスを最重要事項として企業活動に取り組みます。常にお客様のニーズに 合致した高品質かつ付加価値の高い製品を、安全に、環境に最大限の配慮 をしつつ御提供することで、社会に貢献します。

Message from the President

The nano-injection molding technology that connects optical fiber networks supports technological innovation for the information industry.

President Kazuhito Saito

Currently, the telecommunications industry is undergoing drastic evolution, along with technological innovation based on 5G communications, the IoT, AI, and big data. The ultra precision-injection molding products developed at our submicron precision control level underlie the foundation of this industry.

Our company was established as a Sumitomo Electric Group company in 1971. Starting with the production and distribution of injection molding products, including the development of closures for NTT, we have cultivated the technology to connect optical fibers necessary for building optical communication networks, making continuous growth. The diverse products we have developed since the dawn of the telecommunications industry make us proud of being able to produce the leading technology in this ever-evolving industry.

The world is now promoting many carbon-neutral efforts for 2050. For companies, the promotion of decarbonized corporate management directly links to strengthening business competitiveness. Based on the Sumitomo Electric Group policy, “Action ECO-21,” we also make proactive efforts for energy saving, energy creation, resource-saving, recycling promotion, and expansion of eco-friendly products. Our sustainable products manufactured using the leading technology indeed support your business activity. We continuously generate new corporate value by meeting the demands for high-quality, practical, and high-value-added technologies.

The Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Principles

Each company of the Sumitomo Electric Group shall
  1. Offer the very best goods and services to satisfy customer needs.
  2. Build technical expertise, realize changes and strive for consistent growth.
  3. Contribute to creating a better society and environment, with a firm awareness of our social responsibility.
  4. Maintain high corporate ethics and strive to become a company worthy of society’s trust.
  5. Nurture a lively corporate culture that enables employee self-improvement.

Sumitomo Business Spirit

Article 1

Sumitomo shall achieve strength and prosperity by placing prime importance on integrity and sound management in the conduct of its business.

Article 2

Sumitomo’s business interest must always be in harmony with public interest; Sumitomo shall adapt to good times and bad times but will not pursue immoral business.

Banji-nissei: “Do your sincere best in not only business but also every aspect of your life.”

Banji-nissei means “do your sincere best, not only in business, but also in every aspect of your life. ”Originating from the preamble of Monjuin Shiigaki, it speaks of the importance of sincerity in all human endeavors. Banji-nissei is a pivotal teaching in the Sumitomo Spirit. Accordingly, Sumitomo personnel are expected to work not only to make money, but also to cultivate their character and grow into better human beings.

Shinyo-kakujitsu: “Place importance on integrity and sound management.”

The Business Principles Article 1 emphasizes the importance of integrity; that is, being worthy of the trust of others.

Fusu-furi: “Do not act rashly or carelessly in pursuit of immoral business.”

In its first part, Article 2 speaks of the importance of working proactively, pursuing profit by quickly and appropriately responding to changes in society and not being content with the status quo. At the same time, Article 2 emphasizes the importance of harmonizing business gains with the public interest and scorns reckless or careless actions in pursuit of easy gain. While furi means easy, temporary or short-term gain, the term also implies unfair profit obtained through dishonest means.

Business policy of Nippon Tsushin Denzai

As a member of the Sumitomo Electric Group, Nippon Tsushin Denzai positions the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group’s corporate philosophy as its basic policies. We also prioritize safety, the environment, quality, and compliance as the most important matters in developing our corporate activities. We provide high-quality and high-value-added products that meet customers’ demands and needs while giving maximum consideration to safety and environmental concerns. This is how we make our own contributions to society and communities.